Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Truth Hurts

For those of you that don't know me, you don't know my true love for monograms. It's a love that's more than passing phase, it's a lifestyle.
If you're like me a TRUE lover of monograms, you despise the girls that act as if they love monograms more than anyone, when in reality it's just a facade. If you're one of these girls {& be honest, you know if you're this girl} I advise you to stop now and not read the essay I have attached to this post. It's a ruthless paper, holding nothing back & I couldn't of described my feelings towards these girls any better if I had written it myself.

More Than Just A Name
By: Carter

It’s a question that’s as old as time. If it’s not monogrammed, is it really even yours?   I’ve been an avid monogram wearer since birth. If you don’t have pictures of you wearing monograms from your adolescent years, can you really even consider yourself a true monogram lover?  You see, I believe in monograms. Not because my monogram, when in circle font, circles perfectly; not even because my monogram interlocks perfectly when in the interlocking font. Simply because “she believes a monogram says more than just a name and she will use it any place she can”.  Your monogram is your name, and your name represents you. 
It’s actually proven that your name impacts your life. Certain names are usually associated with people in the upper class, while others are associated with the lower class. After seeing how much rests on the importance of a name, and so essentially your monogram too, it was apparent the dilemma I was in. You see, my name is slightly complicated; in a way I have a double last name. Have you caught on to my dilemma yet? If you’re\ anyone who knows anything about monograms, you know that the last name is the most important part of your monogram because it goes in the middle and is the center of attention. This can be dated back to ancient times. You see, a surname was everything. Frankly, it decides whether you wear real Jacks or fake Jacks. Back to the dilemma with this “double” last name of mine.  I had to decide which letter should be used for my last name. Previous to this, my mother had decided what my monogram would be, but when I came of age to make such an important decision as this I had to rethink it all and weigh my options. I chose “B” for Blanco, but “cBd” just didn't look right .  So, I chose to use the “E” from Espinosa for my middle initial. Upon rethinking the issue, however, “cBe” was the obvious choice for my monogram seeing as more people know me as Carter Espinosa-Blanco.
To an irrelevant bystander this may have seemed like a silly dilemma, but as I said, they're irrelevant, so what do they know. Yes, I am aware that monograms are a current fad and surely next year this time, the basic white girls may have ruled them out and moved on to the next thing.  That’ll be okay, because I have all the greats on my side sharing my love for monograms. Lets see, there’s Charlotte York, Lani Espinosa-Blanco, and Elle Woods; all monogram lovers! The problem with the basic white girls is they happily adopt the term of basic white girl. In fact, they caption their pictures claiming their basic title when they find their picture to be containing all the current fads. That, my friends, is why they don’t eternally appreciate monograms; they are not refined enough. They simply like them because it is the current fad. As for the Greats and I, we understand monograms and appreciate them. There is nothing more classic than a monogram. They are timeless. They hold the ability to turn something from generic to chic. As my good friend Elle Woods said, “my rule is if its not moving, monogram it”.    
In conclusion, it is a monogram life for me and always will be. I hope now you realize that not everyone that wears, or better yet fashions, a monogram is basic. Now that I have bestowed my knowledge upon you peasants, I have better things to do, like tweet my monogram.

"Now I can go back to being ruthless again." // Robert Kennedy
xoxo, L

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